Monday, February 6, 2012

Fang Guozhen: His Story of Fight

Q: So Fang, you have recently lead a group of Red Turban Army solders, which is run by The White Lotus Society, in an assault on Mongol officials. What made you want to take over the Mongols?
A: What made me want to take over the Mongols is their way of government. They are not supporting this dynasty but only making it have more troubles for it. All the natural disasters lately have not helped either. The government officials are greedy and there aren’t good conditions for the native Chinese. We are being broken apart and treated like foreigners in our own country. We should be the ones in charge.

Q: Why is it so important to you that China be restored to the way it was?
A: If we had the native Chinese leaders in power again, we would be able to bring back the old ways of life. We would bring back the old ways of tradition and culture. China was running fine for so many years before the Mongols, why should we sacrifice the well being of our country for their small benefits.

Q: How do you feel your rebellion has effected the Mongols?
A: I feel that our rebellion has showed the Mongols how the people really feel. I think that it has made them more aware of the statues of this dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty is growing weaker and weaker, and this has weakened the mongols even more. They have finally realized that they have lost the Mandate of Heaven, the most powerful key to ruling a dynasty.

Q: Do you feel that your rebellion has been successful?
A: I feel that this rebellion will do what it was intended to do, bring China back into power and restore it to its rightful rule. This rebellion has made me stronger, I feel that it is going just as planned and before we know it we will be establishing a new dynasty. This will be a historic event known to bring down the Yuan Dynasty.

Q: Thank you for your time, is there one last thing you would like to say to the Mongols?
A: You’re welcome, thank you. Yes, there is one last thing I would like to say to the Mongols. They should be prepared. If they want to keep their dynasty they better stay strong. They may have made some great changes to Chinese culture, but they have also made some terrible ones. The native Hans will not stand for their ways much longer.

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